It's not always what you do, but what you say." "Swordfighting is a little like making love.I’m sure you're feeling something similar." "I can’t help but feel I’ve been ripped off.Meathook: You've got a real attitude problem! Guybrush: Well.you've got a real hair problem! Meathook: You just don't know when to quit, do you? Guybrush: Neither did your barber. – Guybrush, about the giant stone monkey head on Monkey Island “That’s the second biggest monkey head I’ve ever seen!”.– Guybrush Threepwood, when wanting something badly. “Please? Pretty please? Please pretty please with sugar on top?”.Stan: Say, does your wife know you’re such a cheapskate? Guybrush: I think I can live without that particular piece of junk. Storekeeper: What do you want? Guybrush: I could really use a breath mint. Otis: You’ve got to help me! I’m a victim of society! Guybrush: Not to mention halitosis. He fell for her in a big way, but she told him to drop dead.

Guybrush: Can you tell me the story about this LeChuck guy? Pirate: LeChuck? He's the guy that went to the Governor's for dinner and never wanted to leave. I feel so lucky that you happened to capture my ship, then murdered me and everyone on board, yes sir, lucky. LeChuck: Ye are glad to be dead, RIGHT? Murray: Oh yes sir. LeChuck: It's days like this that makes you glad to be dead. There's nothin' like the hot winds of hell blowin' in your face. Pirate: Guybrush Threepwood? That's the most ridiculous name I’ve ever heard! Guybrush: Well, what's your name? Pirate: My name is Mancomb Seepgood.